Saturday, April 16, 2011

TO: Randy Babbitt

FAA Administrator

Mr. Babbitt:

The public is quite aware of the situation with sleeping controllers. However the non flying public is not aware that planes land at towered airports all the time when the tower is closed. If pilots are on an IFR flight plan or flight following they are handed off by TRACON and or Center, and the pilot announces his intentions on the Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF). At non towered airports pilots do the same thing and announce their position and intentions. This system has been in place before you were a pilot at Eastern.

I therefore do not understand why the FAA is wasting taxpayers money by placing 2 controllers in a tower at 27 airports when none are warranted for the volume of traffic at these airports overnight. These airports should have no controllers on staff overnight. With the money saved the FAA could do a better job of training their new controllers who overall are doing a horrible job handling traffic.

Arthur Rosen

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